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Update on the new ablutions & installation of a sprinkler system in Taku Hiahia

Update on the new ablutions & installation of a sprinkler system in Taku Hiahia

Here’s the latest from the builders about the infrastructure rebuild of the new ablution block to the rear of Taku Hiahia.  

Our Project Manager, Richard Mauriohooho, confirmed the reinforcement of the existing roof structure is almost finished in spite of being in Level 4 lockdown the week the build kicked off.  This work is to stabilise the roof for the installation of the fire and sprinkler system.  Trust Chair, Cathrine Holland added, since then the build has also been impacted by two Covid-19 Level 3 lockdowns. 

“The original aim was to finish the new ablutions in time for next year’s poukai.  But delays beyond our control have pushed the completion date out by four weeks to the beginning of April next year,” she confirmed.  

Cath explained that luckily, work has continued under Level 3.  However, she says there have been drawbacks and delays.

“During the lockdown, the difficulties of getting supplies down from Auckland has been a challenge. This was followed by the Otorohanga District Council not carrying out site inspections under Level 3 that’s put another spanner in the works for the builders, not knowing whether they had the green light to soldier on,” Cath says.

Despite all of these challenges, Cath confirms the roof has been reinforced and the new timber-framed walls have been built for the extension of the ablutions at the back of Taku Hiahia. The builders have also finished constructing the foundations and concrete block walls to the new extension and the new drainage has been laid down.   

“During the next three weeks, there will be electricians, plumbers and builders on site reinforcing the wall between the men’s and women’s toilets while the sparkies will start pre-wiring the ablution block.   At the same time the plumbers will finish installing the drainage pipes in the new extension,” she says.

The installation of the new wastewater system is due to start at the beginning of November that will pump the wastewater and sewerage from the new toilets to the drainage and sewerage system being laid underneath the carpark behind Ngā Taiwhakarongorua.

As with any build that is subject to delays, COVID has dealt us an additional challenge.  

Cath points out, “In these circumstances, we are seeing increases and adjustments to the overall costs;  and we are working overtime to find a way to meet the projected shortfall.  However, the impact of COVID has changed the building sector completely.   At the moment, our building contractor ASAP is working to confirm the extra costs with their sub-contractors, as well as sourcing quality supplies and fixtures from within New Zealand.  It has therefore been critical that we, the Trustees, are working closely with our Project Manager and ASAP to manage the budget overrun. 

In the meantime, the infrastructure rebuild continues with the finish date now pushed out a month.  Irrespective, we will make every effort to host a Poukai on Waipapa Marae on 12 March 2022. We will update you as to how this can be done, at the upcoming AGM on a date still to be confirmed.” 

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