Important Covid 19 Information
Marae update - 20 October 2021
/ Categories: Marae News, Covid-19

Marae update - 20 October 2021

Ki te kotahi te kaakaho ka whati, ki te kaapuia e kore e whati.

Teenaa taatou e manawanui ana ki te noho taratahi i teenei waa. Meenaa ka uu taatou ki eenei ture whakahaumaru, ka puta anoo taatou ki te whei ao, ki te ao maarama. Noo reira, kia kaha tonu taatou. Ki te kore anoo koe kia whai i too werohanga ki te rongoaa aaraimate, teenaa, mahia atu, kia ora pai ai too whaanau.

With 94 new cases yesterday, New Zealand set an inauspicious record for the highest number of cases on a single day since COVID-19 first reached our shores in March 2020. Although there were only 64 new cases today, experts continue to warn that the numbers will continue to increase. Kiingi Tuheitia asks whaanau across the Tainui region to be extra vigilant, follow the rules that are in place for our protection, and do whatever they can to safeguard our communities. As always, he reminds us that this includes vaccination, and encourages whaanau who have already been vaccinated to check in with others and encourage them to do the same. 

The surge in cases, and the increasing likelihood that we will shift away from the alert level system, means that we as a country are facing the greatest challenge of the pandemic thus far. Maaori continue to make up the highest proportion of new case numbers. Maaori represent 478 of the 1,074 cases - nearly half - of the cases since Alert Level 3. Maaori have also got a large deficit in terms of vaccination rates. Only 45 percent of the eligible Maaori population are fully vaccinated, which is 20 percent lower than the general population. Our people on the ground are working extremely hard to make the vaccine available to our community. We have mobile services, walk-ins, and buses out and about doing their part. As always details of vaccination can be found in this paanui.

Today the Minister released important details on the plan for getting our kids back to kura, with a focus was on secondary schools. Students in years 11, 12, and 13 in Taamaki and Waikato will be able to return to school from Tuesday 26 October. This will get the older cohort of students back to school to prepare for NCEA exams, which are going ahead this year. Rangatahi, staff and volunteers at kura who are at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 should stay home unless fully vaccinated. Furthermore, face coverings are mandatory for everyone in years 9-13 in all kura.

The plan for primary school-aged children needs further consideration. Our Minister of Education Christ Hipkins admitted he loses sleep over the risk faced by tamariki under the age of 12 as an unvaccinated group. Delta has already demonstrated that it does not discriminate, young, old, or in between - all over the world, people of all ages have been hospitalised and some have lost their lives.

If the virus continues to spread in the Maaori community our tamariki and our mokopuna become an extremely vulnerable group. Our teachers have been asked to step up and get vaccinated to ensure the safety of their schools. We are calling on our maatua to stand in unity with the kaiako and get vaccinated to help protect our kura and our kids.

Kia kaha tonu taatou ki te whai i ngaa tikanga haumaru, ki te kaainga, ki aa taatou mirumiru hoki. Remember to wear your masks, wash your hands, and stay at home.

Key updates

  • There are 60 new community cases of COVID-19 today, 56 in Auckland and four in Waikato.
  • This takes the total cases linked to this outbreak to 2,191.
  • Twenty-eight of today's cases are Maaori. 
  • Twenty-two of today's new cases are not yet linked to existing cases, bringing the total of unlinked cases in the past 14 days to 206. 
  • There are 43 cases in hospital and five in ICU/HDU. 
  • Auckland will remain at Alert Level 3 until at least Tuesday 2 November. Waikato will remain at Alert Level 3 until at least Friday.
For tribal members who are in need of urgent help please call us on 0800 TAINUI. Our tribal leaders will be sharing updates about supports directly from our Facebook page, so please visit us there too.

Taamaki Whaanau 


We know our Taamaki whaanau have experienced a longer lockdown than others, so we want to collate as much information about the needs of our Taamaki whaanau so our response can be coordinated. Click on the link below to fill in the survey and if you have any paatai please call 0800 TAINUI.

Taamaki Whaanau Survey


  • Anyone over the age of 12 can book their vaccination now at Book My Vaccine
  • A number of vaccination buses, drive-through and walk-in vaccination clinics are popping up across the motu including those listed below.
All your vaccination questions answered here by NZ experts

Walk-in vaccination clinics

The following is a list of walk-in clinics run by the Waikato DHB and their providers. No need to book - just check the schedule below and drop in. Otherwise, you can book by visiting Book My Vaccine and selecting the closest clinic to you, or by calling 0800 28 29 26. The DHB will be adding more dates and locations here as they firm up their schedules. You can also be vaccinated at a range of other locations across Waikato, including GPs and pharmacies. See Healthpoint for those options
North Waikato
6 Escott Road, Tuakau

Waahi Whaanui Trust
Parry Street Complex

Countdown Huntly
Tumate Mahuta Drive
Friday 22 October

Naike Town Hall
3648 Highway 22, Naike
Thursday 21 October

Oomaero Marae
25 Maaori Point Road, Whatawhata
Thursday 21 October
Melville Rugby Club
127 Collins Road, Deanwell
Friday 22 October

Pirongia Memorial Hall
997 Franklin Street, Pirongia
Thursday 21 October
Oparure Marae
Oparure Road, Oparure
Friday 22 October

Aria Cosmopolitan Club
1 Kie Kie Road, Aria
Thursday 21 October
St David's Church
Cnr Ranfurly and Turongo Streets
Thu 21 and Fri 22 October

Tihiroa Hall car park
Te Kawa Road, Ootorohanga
Friday 29 October 

Honikiwi Hall
6 Turoto Road, Honikiwi
Friday 5 November

Toa Bridge
Otewa Road, Otewa
Friday 5 November

COVID-19 testing centres 

Extra testing sites have been established throughout the motu. Visit Health Point to find the closest site for you and your whaanau. 

Me maumahara! 
  • Tests are free (unless part of international travel conditions).
  • Take your contact details with you (NHI numbers are helpful but not absolutely necessary).
  • You can take a support person but you should both stay in your vehicle unless directed otherwise. 
  • You need to isolate at home after your test until you receive a negative result.
Claudelands Event Centre
Claudelands, Hamilton
10am-6pm until further notice

Walk-in or drive-in vaccination clinics

The Maaori-led operated vaccination centres are:

  • Henderson Vaccination Centre, 28 Catherine Street, Henderson 
  • Taamaki (Glen Innes) Vaccination Centre, 261 Morrin Road, St Johns 
  • Manurewa Vaccination Centre, 81 Finlayson Avenue, Clendon Park, Manukau City 
  • Pukekohe Vaccination Centre 6 Roulston Street, Pukekohe
  • Takanini Vaccination Centre, 8 Great South Rd, Takanini 
  • Papakura Marae Drive Through Vaccination Centre, 29 Hunua Road, Papakura

Taamaki Makaurau - Shot Cuz Vaccination Bus

For information on where the vaccination buses will be, check out the Facebook pages of these provider partners:

COVID-19 testing centres 

Extra testing sites have been established throughout the motu. Visit Health Point to find the closest site for you and your whaanau. 

Me maumahara! 
  • Tests are free (unless part of international travel conditions).
  • Take your contact details with you (NHI numbers are helpful but not absolutely necessary).
  • You can take a support person but you should both stay in your vehicle unless directed otherwise. 
  • You need to isolate at home after your test until you receive a negative result.
Papakura Marae POP-UP Testing Centre
29 Hunua Road, Papakura
Mon-Fri 8:30am-4pm

Ootara Town Centre Car Park
14 Fair Mall, Ootara, Auckland
Mon-Fri 6:30am-4:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:30am-4.00pm

Turuki Maangere POP-UP Community Testing Centre
Cnr Canning & Mascot Avenue, Maangere
Mon-Sat 9am-4pm
Sun 9am-3pm

Pukekohe Netball Centre POP-UP Community Testing Centre
114 Queen Street, Pukekohe
Mon-Sun 8:30am-3:30pm
Takanini POP-UP COVID-19 Testing Centre
Bruce Pulman Park,
90 Walters Road, Takanini
Mon-Sun 8:30am-4pm

The Whaanau Ora Community Clinic
25 Druces Road, Wiri, Auckland
Mon-Sun 6:30am-8pm

Mountfort Park Manurewa POP-UP Community Testing Centre
Car Park Manurewa Pool & Leisure Centre, Manurewa
Mon-Sat 9am-2pm

Walter Massey Park POP-UP COVID-19 Community Testing Centre 
Hain Avenue
Mon-Sat 9am-4pm
Sun 9am-3pm


We know that tangihanga are particularly complicated during lockdown situations and we have put together this Tangihanga Process chart to provide information for whaanau on the appropriate guidelines to follow under Alert Level 4. For tangihanga at Alert Level 3, we encourage whaanau to act as though they are at Alert Level 4 and follow the above tangihanga process. We acknowledge that tangihanga under lockdown conditions is extremely hard on whaanau. 

As part of this process, please also remember the following:
  • If your loved one has died from COVID-19 then it will be critical for the Police and/or Health Provider to support you with information on what to do next.  
  • If your loved one has died from an unknown cause, a post-mortem will need to be undertaken. The Police will facilitate this process and will liaise directly with whaanau.
  • A GP or Medical Practitioner will also need to complete the death certificate.
  • Any whaanau wanting to make burial arrangements for Taupiri Maunga urupaa must contact Mr Tumate Mahuta on 0800 TAINUI (0800 824 684).
Previous Article Testing stations today in Te Awamutu and Whatawhata
Next Article Update on the new ablutions & installation of a sprinkler system in Taku Hiahia
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