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Water Safety NZ to co-design a Kairuku Programme for Marae
/ Categories: Marae News, Events

Water Safety NZ to co-design a Kairuku Programme for Marae

The Heritage & Identity Team has been working with Water Safety NZ to co-design a Kairuku Programme for Marae. All Marae take pride in being able to provide their signature dishes at important events such as Poukai. A range of research acknowledges the importance of traditional kai in improving the nutritional health of kaumaatua. Access to traditional kai improves the mental and spiritual health of kaumaatua and has a unique ability to trigger positive memories which has also been acknowledged as a deterrent for neuro-degenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc).

The programme has been designed to maintain important traditions such as Poukai, by ensuring Marae have confident and competent divers who can provide kaimoana for their marae but most importantly come home safely to their whanau. The programme was also an opportunity to capture koorero tuku iho and tikanga pertaining to each marae. The programme taught equipment maintenance, safe storage of kaimoana, karakia and sights of significance.

The programme was piloted with Water Safety NZ in 2021, with 20 tribal participants successfully completing their Scuba Dive and Free Diving Certifications at no cost to the tribal member.

We a pleased to announce that the Kairuku Waananga 2022 is now open for registrations of interest. The first of two programmes will run on the below dates with venues to be confirmed;

* 1st – 3rd of April

* 29th – 1st of May

* 27th -29th of May

Registrations are welcome to 20 tribal members who are nominated by a Poukai Marae (maximum of 2 tribal members per Poukai Marae) and commit to the above dates. We have 20 spots available for the first programme, and will hold a waiting list for an additional programme through the year. We hope to then go out to all Raupatu Marae with this opportunity.

To register, the Marae Trust Chair or Committee Chair can email to nominate a maximum of two registered tribal members and provide their contact details (full name, email, contact number).

Each participant needs to be aware that they will need to provide by the first waananga;

* Vaccination Certification and Vaccine Pass

* A medical assessment by a registered GP

* A signed model release for video/still footage throughout the waananga

For further information, please contact Mahana Toka on

Below is a link to video footage of the pilot programme held in 2021.

Ngaa mihi

Glenda Taituha | General Manager, Heritage & Identity
Mobile: | Tel: +64 7 858-0430
Email: | Web: (
Address: PO Box 648, 2 Bryce Street, Hamilton 3240

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