Important Covid 19 Information
Waipapa Marae to Elect Te Whakakitenga Reps

Waipapa Marae to Elect Te Whakakitenga Reps

Waipapa Marae will conduct elections for two eligible members to represent our marae within Te Whakakitenga o Waikato.  This election will be conducted in parallel with our marae AGM, Saturday 14 November 2020 at:

Vertical Horizonz
29 Goodfellow Place, Hamilton
Saturday14 Nov 2020

Registration (to vote):    8 am – 9:30 am

To be eligible to vote or stand for this election you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be a Waipapa Marae beneficiary aged 18 years or older 
  2. Be registered on the Waikato-Tainui beneficiary roll with Waipapa Marae recorded as your principal marae
  3. You must have no dishonesty convictions (including fraud) pursuant to Section 2 of the Crimes Act 1961 within the seven-year period from Nov 2013 to Nov 2020.

Anyone who meets the above criteria can stand for election.   You must attend the above hui in person and be prepared to speak to your candidacy.  After all candidates have spoken, the iwi will cast their votes and the successful candidates will be announced.  Unlike the Waipapa Marae Trust election no proxy voting is permitted under the rules of Te Whakakitenga.

The elected representatives will be the voices of our marae in Te Whakakitenga. They are expected to report back regularly to the marae and be accountable to the Waipapa Marae Trustees for their performance.   The elected representatives will work in concert with the marae trustees to advance and promote the interests of Waipapa Marae in Te Whakakitenga.  Our marae beneficiaries also want our Te Whakakitenga representatives to work collegially with the other coastal marae from around Kawhia and Aotea moana in the collective best interests of Ngā  marae o te Tai-Hauauru.  

The eligibility rules for Te Whakakitenga are available from Waikato-Tainui.  This election will be conducted under their rules.  If you do not meet these eligibility criteria, you will be unable to vote or participate in this particular election.

The two candidates elected to represent Waipapa Marae will serve a three-year term in
Te Whakakitenga. 

Finally, it is in the best interest of our Marae that everyone updates their personal details on the Waikato Tainui Beneficiary Roll no later than 1 Nov 2020; contact address, date of birth, email address, Waipapa Marae as your principal marae.  This is to ensure you receive pānui in a timely manner.

Please register early on the Waikato Beneficiary Roll and ensure Waipapa Marae is recorded as your principal marae so you can participate in Te Whakakitenga elections. 

Waipapa Marae Te Whakakitenga Election will take place during our marae AGM on Saturday,
14 November 2020.   


What is Te Whakakitenga? – click on the link below for more information:

Who are the current Waipapa Marae representatives in Te Whakakitenga?

Niketi Toataua and Brendan Green were elected in 2017 as the Waipapa representatives.  Both are eligible to stand again for election if they wish.

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