Waipapa Marae Charter Endorsed by Beneficiaries
Waipapa marae beneficiaries endorsed the new revised version of the Waipapa marae charter this weekend at the Special General Meeting in Hamilton. This means the charter will go to the AGM in November as a resolution to be officially accepted as the Waipapa Marae Charter to be implemented immediately and applied at the AGM.
Acting chair, Hone Edwards began the hui with traditional formality in memory of Ruth Spelman (wife of Anton Spelman) and Ivan Osborne (husband of Shona Osborne nee Krissisen). The SGM was also livestreamed on Facebook for beneficiaries unable to attend the meeting.
Trust treasurer, Hinga Porima outlined issues in the charter that required feedback from beneficiaries. This included the names of tribal urupā. Rūnanga chair, Moka Apiti was able to confirm names via the Facebook livestream.
Questions about the charter from beneficiaries became the topics of discussion during break out group discussions prior to lunch. The group responses were reported back to the plenary session and were endorsed for trustees to consider in the new charter. The responses were unanimous with 8 yes/no questions and 3 questions requesting a written explanation. Here is a brief response to the questions from beneficiaries.
- Should there be a poukai committee?
No, leave it up to the marae committee to manage.
- Should the trustees be the kaitiaki of tikanga and kawa of the marae?
No! Tikanga should default to pakeke. However, behaviour on the marae that breaches tikanga should be managed by trustees in tandem with the Code of Conduct. Trustees will manage the Code of Conduct to be tabled at the next AGM.
- Do you think we should have a trustee on the marae committee?
No but bring the chair of the marae committee to the monthly trust meetings afforded with speaking rights. However, the marae committee chair cannot legally vote on trust issues.
- Should the whakakitenga elections be reflected in the charter?
No. However, after each quarterly hui for Whakakitenga, the marae representatives are required to table a summary of the Whakakitenga hui with the trust to be published on the marae website.
- Should we include a section that explains the governance structure for the marae?
- How do you validate a beneficiary?
Check people against a beneficiary roll!
Is it time to develop our own beneficiary roll?
Should we use Waikato Tainui bene roll in the meantimel
Charter says beneficiaries are those who whakapapa to Ngāti Hikairo ki Kawhia and affiliate to Waipapa marae.
- Should the removal of a trustee be written or verbal?
Written and verbal
- Should we have specific number of beneficiaries to call a SGM.
Yes, and beneficiaries suggested 7 beneficiaries warrant calling a SGM.
- What should the accountability be from the marae committee to the trust?
Financial reporting and the process is outlined in the operating manual.
- If there’s raruraru on the marae do trustees sort it out?
Yes – groups proposed a code of conduct that defines behaviour.
- Can trustees remove people from the marae.
Beneficiaries reiterated trustees be given the mana to remove people from the marae for breaches of behaviour on the marae that impact the health and safety of other beneficiaries. Trustees will take legal advice and write up a detailed Code of Conduct for beneficiaries that defines breaches of behaviour on the marae.
The definition of a “beneficiary” was also debated by beneficiaries who proposed all beneficiaries must be able to endorse their beneficiary status based on whakapapa. Furthermore, they recommended the trust work towards setting up an exclusive tribal Marae register in the future for Ngāti Hikairo and Waipapa Marae beneficiaries. This will take time and money to design, implement, and keep a beneficiary roll up to date.
Under the terms of the old charter, the Waikato Tainui beneficiary roll was used as a register for Waipapa beneficiaries. However, the Waikato Tainui beneficiary roll was originally established for the purposes of distributing raupatu settlement funds to local marae. Today, the roll aids in the governance and administration of marae named on the roll. It also allows members to vote on tribal matters as well as opening access to funding through a range of grants.
Beneficiaries attending the SGM endorsed the new revised version be put to the AGM in November with recommended minor changes. Given the new charter receives majority support, it will be used to guide the process, especially around the election of new trustees and Marae Committee members.
The Waipapa Marae Trustees wish to thank beneficiaries who attended the SGM from as far away as Pōneke and those who joined the livestream. Your effort was hugely appreciated! Trustees would also like to acknowledge Vertical Horizonz for offering their venue for the SGM and for the beautiful kai everyone contributed.
Hapainga e te Iwi
Ko te ohāki,
Te Tumu o Tainui