Waipapa Mārae Trust, Kawhia Notice of Annual General Meeting Postponement to Sunday 23 Jan 2022
nā Ngā Kaitiaki o Te Marae o Waipapa, Kāwhia
The trustees have decided to postpone the Waipapa Marae AGM to Sunday 23 January 2022.
The Government introduced the new COVID19 Protection Framework (commonly referred to as the “traffic light system” on Friday 3 Dec 2021. Many unanswered questions about the framework are yet to be addressed by the Government.
The trustees strong preference is to conduct our AGM face to face in Hamilton on
Sunday January 23rd. The venue and registration details will be notified as soon as our booking is confirmed.
The trustees apologise for any inconvenience this causes our marae beneficiaries and whanau. However, we remain committed to meeting our accountability and reporting obligations to our marae beneficiaries as safely as possible.
Please email any questions you have about this paanui to: waipapamaraetrust@gmail.com
Finally, we encourage all of our marae whanau to get vaccinated for COVID 19 to keep us all safe as we head into the Christmas season.
Please note the link for the AGM Registration Form is attached below
Cath Holland
Waipapa Mārae Trust
5 Dec 2021