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Waikato-Tainui Harbours Negotiations

Waikato-Tainui Harbours Negotiations

Kooriporipo ana te tai o te moana.
He huka tai! He rehu tai!
Tuungia ki te whare o Tangaroa
Horahia ki te poho o Hinemoana
He tai ka ripiripia te tai ki Hawaiki e

Maa te Atua too taatou Kiingi hei manaaki
Maana anoo ngaa tuakana me ngaa teina hei tiaki.
E tangi aroha ana ki ngaa mate tuatini o te waa.
E te iwi nui tonu, teenaa koutou, teenaa taatou.

Waikato-Tainui Harbours Negotiations

Late last year we officially finalised the Waikato-Tainui terms of negotiation between myself as the Waikato-Tainui Negotiator and the Honourable Andrew Little Minister of Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations. The signing of these terms of negotiation has brought the Negotiation Team into effect.

So far, three of the seven representatives of the Negotiation Team have been confirmed the Oati representatives from Ngaati Te Wehi and Ngaati Mahuta by virtue of their longstanding Oati relationships, and myself as the Te Whakakitenga o Waikato Representative. There are four remaining representatives to be appointed from each of the harbours (Whaingaroa, Aotea, Kaawhia and Manukau).

As we have signalled, to ensure the settlement process progresses, we are continuing with the Negotiation Team as it stands. To this end, the Negotiation Team held our first engagement with Crown Officials this week to discuss next steps, the work plan, and timeframes for the settlement process. The aspiration is to work towards a 12–18-month timeframe to negotiate an agreement in principle for the Waikato-Tainui Remaining Historical Claims.

I understand that some of the harbours whaanau are in the process of electing representatives into the negotiation team. Furthermore, given the unexpected circumstances of COVID-19, I appreciate that our harbours whaanau have needed more time to carry out their appointment processes. However, given the Negotiation Team is now in effect and we have a timeframe, I strongly encourage harbours whaanau to complete their appointment process to ensure representation of all harbours throughout the settlement process.

I want to reaffirm my desire for the West Coast Harbours whaanau, marae and hapuu to independently direct their appointment processes for the Negotiation Team – maa te moana te mana. I alongside the Settlement and Protection Team continue to offer support and administrative assistance where required. If you do require support or are wanting more information on what is available, please feel free to get in contact with Jessica Hita (details below).

Next steps

While formal negotiations have started and the elected representation on the Negotiation Team will allow for direct input from whaanau, marae and hapuu. I want to ensure there are other opportunities for involvement and contribution from our whaanau. To this end, several waananga are going to be held at each harbour, and a central waananga with the first series of these happening at the end of February. These waananga are an important opportunity for whaanau to co-design the settlement aspirations for the Waikato-Tainui Remaining and Harbours Claims. The dates and times of these waananga are as follows (the venue of each waananga will be shared as soon as they are confirmed):

• Kaawhia waananga, Sunday 28th February 2021, 10am-2pm.
• Aotea waananga, Sunday 7th March 2021, 10am-2pm.
• Whaingaroa waananga, Sunday 14th March 2021, 10am-2pm.
• Manukau waananga, Sunday 21st March 2021, 10am-2pm.
• Waikato waananga, Wednesday 24th March, 6pm-8pm.

I encourage you to forward these dates on to your marae, hapuu, and whaanau network to ensure whaanau are aware of the opportunity to contribute to these waananga.

If you have any paatai or would like to arrange a time to meet to discuss this letter please direct these to Jessica Hita, Settlement Protection and Claims Advisor on (07) 858 0400, or by email;

Kia tau te maarirerire

Rahui Papa
Waikato-Tainui Negotiator

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