Opportunities for Post Doctorate Fellowships
Several opportunities are available through Te Kotahi Research Institute and National Institute of Demographic and Economic Analysis (NIDEA):
PhD Scholarships x2 here - Te Kotahi Research Institute
- Tikanga in Technology Project: Classification & Māori Data Ngā Upoko Tukutuku here (University of Auckland)
- Tikanga in Technology Project: Classification & Māori DataTK Labels
here (University of Waikato)
Post Doctorate Fellows - Mātauranga Māori x2 - Te Kotahi Research Institute
- Vacancy 410198 here - Māori research background with an interest in Iwi research, mātauranga Māori or Māori Data Sovereignty
Research Fellow x1 - National Institute of Demographic and Economic Analysis (NIDEA)
- Vacancy 410191 here : Working to End Racial Oppression (WERO), Racism and Inequality in Employment
There are also others in the fields of Engineering and Science. Please contact Vanessa Clark for a follow-up conversation about these. All opportunities are listed on the University Vacancy page here
Vanessa Clark
Research Developer - Māori Engagement
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research Office
Mobile: +64 220 881 276
University of Waikato | Private Bag 3105
Hamilton 3240 | New Zealand