New governance line up for Te Whakakitenga
It’s an exciting new era in Waikato-Tainui leadership as new members join the ranks alongside stalwarts across Te Whakakitenga (tribal parliament) and Te Arataura (tribal executive committee).
At Hopuhopu yesterday, Te Arataura had their hui to elect a new Chair, Linda Te Aho (Poohara Paa), while Ngira Simmonds takes up the role of Deputy Chair (Kaahui Ariki Representative).
“It’s an honour and a privilege to have been appointed to the role of Te Arataura Chair. I am excited to see the range of skill-sets and energy all members, both new and returning, have for our people,” says Linda. “Now it’s just a matter of building on the foundation we have and getting stuck into the mahi that will drive outcomes for our marae, hapuu and iwi.”
Recently, Te Whakakitenga held its Triennial Special Meeting and elected its Chair and Deputy Chair, as well as the Whenua and Appointments Committee members.
Parekawhia McLean (Te Papa-oo-Rotu Marae) will continue for a second term as Chair of Te Whakakitenga flanked by newly appointed Deputy Chair, Ikimoke Tamaki-Takarei (Tuurangawaewae Marae). “I am humbled and honoured to be re-elected by a unanimous vote of confidence by our marae,” says Parekawhia. “I am looking forward to working with the new executive board members (Te Arataura) and I’m confident that the talent and vigour the new members bring, combined with the experience of those returning will make for a successful term ahead.”
The full list of representative members are as follows:
TE WHAKAKITENGA (Tribal Parliament)
Chair: Parekawhia McLean (Te Papa-oo-Rotu Marae)
Deputy Chair: Ikimoke Tamaki-Takarei (Tuurangawaewae Marae)
TE ARATAURA MEMBERS (Tribal Executive)
Chair: Linda Te Aho (Poohara Paa)
Deputy Chair: Ngira Simmonds (Kaahui Ariki Representative)
Rangitamoana Wilson (Te Awamaarahi Marae)
Tukoroirangi Morgan (Te Hoe o Tainui Marae)
Vanessa Clark (Te Kotahitanga Marae)
Jackie Colliar (Taniwha Marae)
Hinerangi Raumati-Tu’ua (Tuurangawaewae Marae)
Tori Ngataki (Whaataapaka Marae)
Huirama Matatahi (Waahi Paa)
Maxine Graham (Te Puea Memorial Marae)
Donald Turner (Taupiri Marae)
Huirama Matatahi (Waahi Paa)
Ikimoke Tamaki-Takarei (Tuurangawaewae Marae)
Justine Berryman (Te Kauri Marae)
Sheryl Matenga (Waingaro Marae)
Tori Ngataki (Whaataapaka Marae)
Hori Awa (Kaitumutumu Marae)
Karen Wilson (Puukaki Marae)
Nanaia Rawiri (Tikirahi Marae)
Robyn Roa (Kai a te Mata Marae)
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Amomai Pihama, Communications Manager or 021 851 351