My Covid Record website is now live
My Covid Record:
· We’re getting the tools in place that will enable us to open up New Zealand by helping reduce the risk of the virus spreading at large gatherings and events.
· My Covid Record is now accessible to the public via
· In the website’s initial phase, you can view your vaccination records.
· You’ll need to create a My Health Account before you can access My Covid Record. You must be at least 16 years of age to create an account.
· Those aged 12 to 15 who require proof of vaccination (for example, for overseas travel) can request a confirmation letter from the Ministry of Health.
· The minimum age for proof of vaccination has yet to be decided.
· From late October, COVID-19 test results will be available on the website.
· In late November, you’ll be able to access two different types of vaccination certificates. One for use in New Zealand and one for travel overseas.
· Work is underway to determine when proof of vaccination might be required for entry to events and venues in New Zealand.
· There is plenty of time to create a My Health Account before you’ll need to access your vaccination certificates for use in New Zealand.
· The Ministry of Health will be sending text messages and emails over the coming weeks to prompt those who have been vaccinated to create an account.
· We’ve had positive feedback that the website is very easy to use.
· The Ministry has considered how to support people who don’t have access to digital tools and those who require alternative accessible options. We will provide more information on this in the coming weeks.
· The Ministry is also considering how to support those who don’t have access to identity documents, people who aren’t vaccinated for medical reasons, and people who were vaccinated overseas.
· Until the end of November, if you need official proof of vaccination (for example, for international travel), you can request a vaccination confirmation letter from the Ministry of Health. For test results, use the results you receive directly from your District Health Board.