Meri Kirihimete ki a tātou katoa
nā Ngā Kaitiaki
As the pohutukawa blossom again along the coastline at Te Tātua o Kāwharu, Te Papa o Karewa and Tangi Te Korowhiti, they herald the dawning of another Christmas Day. The Waipapa Marae Trustees wish all of our marae beneficiaries a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Kia hora te marino
Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana
Kia teretere te karohorohi
I mua i tō ara
I roto i o haerenga
I runga i te huarahi
May the peace be widespread,
May the sea glisten like greenstone
May the shimmer of light guide you on your way
We remember those who passed this year.
Moe mai koutou i te moenga roa, ki te pae o maumahara.
And our aroha extends to all of our whānau pani who will sit down for their Christmas hākari with one less family member.
Kia tau te manaakitanga o te runga rawa, ki tēnā whānau, ki tēnā whānau i pania e te ringa kaha o aituā i te tau kua pahemo ake nei.
Te hikuwai o te tau
Looking ahead during these summer months, the final stage of our infrastructure rebuild is on target to extend the walkway, the hīrere and the wharepaku at Ngā Taiwhakarongorua.
Taku Hiahia has just been given the green light from the council and the plumbers have fixed all gas fittings in the wharekai as we prepare for our poukai in 2023.
Finally, COVID has been able to thwart all attempts by the Trust to hold an AGM in the last two years. However, all things being equal, the trustees are pleased to announce that our first calendar event next year will be our AGM in February 2023. Details to be updated in the New Year.
Meri Kirihimete ki a tātou katoa!