Important Covid 19 Information
Marae update - 8 September 2021
/ Categories: Marae News, Covid-19

Marae update - 8 September 2021

Ki te kotahi te kaakaho, ka whati. Ki te kaapuia e kore e whati.

Nei raa ngaa whakamaanawa ki a taatou katoa i ngaa aahuatanga o te waa e paa tonu ana ki a taatou. Ko ngaa kupu aa Kiingi Taawhiao e aarahi nei i te whakatau kia tuu tahi ai ahau ki a koutou, kei ngaa whaanau e noho ana i Taamaki Makaurau i teenei waa. Kia mahara taatou ki ngaa uauatanga e paa ana ki oo taatou whaanau i Taamaki Makaurau, me tuku aroha ki a raatou i teenei waa. 

Kiingi Tuheitia has made the decision to live by higher alert level restrictions as long as Taamaki remains in lockdown. He acknowledges that not everyone is in a position to stand with him in solidarity for the city, but he does encourage us all to remember the sacrifice that Taamaki is making to keep us all safe, and to send them our aroha. 
This is the fifth time Taamaki has been at Alert Level 3 or higher – three times more than any other region. The emotional and mental toll this has already had should not be underestimated and we all have a role to play in reaching out and connecting with whaanau and friends in Taamaki. There has been a surge in calls to support lines all over the country particularly from Taamaki, and we urge anyone who needs support – for any reason – to call us on 0800 TAINUI.

As the country outside of Taamaki moves back to a more normal way of life with kura opening and workplaces reopening, we are changing up these daily paanui. On Mondays, we will email all marae with a general update capturing any important announcements or information. On Wednesdays and Fridays we will send a Taamaki-specific paanui, recognising that whaanau living in the city have different needs to those elsewhere. 

Kia kaha tonu taatou ki te whai i ngaa tikanga haumaru a rohe. Remember to keep following the rules of your rohe.  

Key updates

  • There are 15 new cases of COVID-19 today, all of which are in Auckland. 
  • This brings the outbreak to 855 cases, 218 of whom have recovered. 
  • Thirty-seven cases are in hospital, and six of those are in ICU with four being ventilated. 
  • Taamaki will remain at Alert Level 4 for at least another week and whaanau are encouraged to stay home, stay strong, and stay kind. 
  • The Alert Level 2 rules have been adjusted to reflect the increased risk of the Delta variant. 
  • Scanning or signing in remains mandatory at public venues and events, and masks must also be worn in public. 
  • The list of locations of interest continues to shrink. This is because historical locations are being removed and the effect of lockdown can be seen as there are fewer new locations added. However, it is still important that whaanau check these new locations.
  • Anyone who visited these locations at the stated date and time must self-isolate, contact Healthline on 0800 358 5453 and get tested. 
  • Household members of people who were at locations of interest must also self-isolate until that person has returned a negative test.
  • Testing rates have decreased which makes it difficult to assess the effectiveness of the lockdown. Anyone with cold or flu symptoms is encouraged to get tested. Visit Health Point to find testing centres near you. 
  • As of yesterday, 2.6 million people have now had their first dose of the vaccine

Applying to cross the Alert Level Boundary

Taamaki has a northern and southern border in place. If you are required to travel across the border for mahi, your employer will need to provide you with proof of eligibility - click below for more. 

Apply for travel exemption
As the country outside of Auckland prepares to move Alert Levels the rules are tightening at the Auckland boarders. For workers crossing the Auckland boundary, weekly testing will be implemented. Proof of a negative test result will be required from Thursday 8 September to travel across the border. Police will be conducting spot tests. 
You and your whaanau can find trusted information at so you can make an informed choice about the COVID-19 vaccine.


  • Vaccinations are continuing and anyone with an existing booking should attend their appointment unless notified otherwise, or if they are feeling unwell.
  • Anyone over the age of 12 can book their vaccination now at Book My Vaccine
  • A number of drive-through and walk-in vaccination clinics are popping up across the motu including those listed below.
  • Efforts are being made to increase vaccination rate of essential workers, prioritising those in customer-facing roles.
  • Extensive research and testing has confirmed that the Pfizer vaccine is safe for 12-15-year-olds. This age group can receive the vaccine from 1 September, OR eligible parents (those over 40) can book their children at the same time as themselves. 
  • Maaori and Pasifika can book the whole whaanau at one time as soon as one member is eligible. 
  • The government assures us that the supply chain is strong and there are enough doses for everyone to be vaccinated. 

Walk-in or drive-through vaccinations   

The following clinics are set up for walk-ins or drive-through vaccinations. No bookings are required.

Papakura Marae – Drive Through
Corner of Hunua and Parker Road, Papakura
9am - 4pm.
Manurewa Marae
81 Findlayson Avenue Clendon Park
9am - 330pm.
Otara Vaccination Clinic
5 Otara Road, Otara
8am - 4pm.
Pukekohe Vaccination Centre
6 Roulston Street
8am - 12pm.
Park and Ride Airport Vaccination Centre
42 Verissimo Drive
830am - 4pm.

Mobile vaccination  

To make an appointment for these mobile sites please call 0800 660 055. The mobile schedule is continuously reviewed so please call ahead to confirm. 

Te Kauwhata
Bowling Club 6 Waerenga Road
Thursday 9 September
9am - 1pm

Thursday 9 September 
Friday 10 September 
10am – 2.30pm 

Community Hall
21 Heather Green Ave
Friday 10 September
10am - 2:30pm


At Alert Level 2, Kiingi Tuheitia encourages us to take extreme caution in the management of our tangihanga. We acknowledge that tangihanga under any lockdown is extremely hard on whaanau. 

For those in Taamaki, we have put together this Tangihanga Process chart to provide information for whaanau on the appropriate guidelines to follow under Alert Level 4. 

As part of this process, please also remember the following:
  • If your loved one has died from COVID-19 then it will be critical for the Police and/or Health Provider to support you with information on what to do next.  
  • If your loved one has died from an unknown cause, a post-mortem will need to be undertaken. The Police will facilitate this process and will liaise directly with whaanau.
  • A GP or Medical Practitioner will also need to complete the death certificate.
  • Any whaanau wanting to make burial arrangements for Taupiri Maunga urupaa must contact Mr Tumate Mahuta on 0800 TAINUI (0800 824 684).

Taamaki whaanau 

As we continue in this extended lockdown we want to make sure we are providing you with the support that you need. We know our Taamaki whaanau are expecting a longer lockdown than others, so we want to collate as much information about the needs of our Taamaki whaanau so our response can be coordinated. Click on the link below to fill in the survey and if you have any paatai please call 0800 TAINUI. 
Survey for support
We are also thinking of those whaanau affected by the heavy rains and flooding in the Taamaki region, and we encourage anyone who needs support - for any reason - to call us on 0800 TAINUI.

Rent arrears

If you have overdue rent and you're worried you will lose your housing, you can talk to Work and Income for support.
  • You don't need to be on a benefit to qualify for this help.
  • It's a one-off payment.
  • You'll need to pay the money back. A repayment plan will be put in place to suit your financial circumstances. 
You may be able to get Rent Arrears Assistance if you: 
  • are 16 or older
  • have signed the tenancy agreement (or you're a tenant by way of a Family Violence Act order)
  • have overdue rent you need to pay
  • may be evicted because you haven't paid your rent
  • are able to stay there if you pay the rent you owe, eg: 
  • your tenancy isn't about to expire
  • you can afford to keep paying the rent. 
How much you get depends on the amount of rent you owe. The most you can get is $2,000 and you'll need to pay it back. You can only get this payment once in 12 months unless there are exceptional situations, eg: 
  • sickness or injury, or
  • you're in a family violence situation, or
  • a victim of violent crime
Apply by contacting Work and Income on one of the numbers below. If you're: 
  • getting NZ Super or Veteran's Pension, call Senior Services on 0800 552 002
  • a student, call StudyLink on 0800 88 99 00
  • getting another payment from WINZ, call 0800 559 009
  • not getting any payments from WINZ, call 0800 559 009.

COVID-19 testing centres 

Extra testing sites have been established throughout the motu. Visit Health Point to find the closest site for you and your whaanau. 

Me maumahara! 
  • Tests are free (unless part of international travel conditions).
  • Take your contact details with you (NHI numbers are helpful but not absolutely necessary).
  • You can take a support person but you should both stay in your vehicle unless directed otherwise. 
  • You need to isolate at home after your test until you receive a negative result. 

Pop up testing centres 

Pop up testing sites are operating in South Auckland, Tokoroa, and Hamilton. These sites are listed below. Please note:             
  • No appointment is needed unless otherwise stated.
  • Be prepared to wait and do not get out of the car (staff will take a swab through your car window).
  • Please be kind to kaimahi and volunteers.
The Whaanau Ora Community Clinic
25 Druces Road, Wiri, Auckland
Monday to Friday

Ootara Town Centre Car Park
14 Fair Mall, Ootara, Auckland
Monday to Friday

Maangere East POP-UP Community Testing Centre
Manukau City Association Football Club, 378 Massey Road, Maangere East
Monday to Friday

Takanini POP-UP COVID-19 Testing Centre
Bruce Pulman Park, 90 Walters Road, Takanini
All week

Turuki Maangere POP-UP Community Testing Centre
Corner of Canning and Mascot Ave, Maangere
Monday to Friday
Tokoroa Family Health
At Tokoroa Hospital
Call in the clinic on 07 886 5431 to make a booking in advance

Tokoroa Medical Centre
35-75 Maraetai Road, Tokoroa
Tuesday 24 August - 8:30am-5pm
Call the clinic on 07 886 8777 to make a booking in advance
Claudelands Events Centre, Hamilton
Gate 3, Entrance off Brooklyn Road
Tuesday 24 August - 10am-6pm
Founders Theatre car park, Hamilton
Entrance off Norton Road
All week

GP practices are also testing across the region. Click here for more information. 
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