Marae update - 31 August 2021
Kia niwha te ngaakau ki te whakauu i ngaa mahi atawhai i te iwi.
Tangihia tonutia raa ngaa mate o te waa, ko te poo ki a koutou, ko te ao maarama ki a maatou.
Kei aku rangatira huri noa, teenaa taatou katoa. Ki a koutou e noho ana i waho o Taamaki Makaurau, kia mataara ki te hekenga o te pae mataara ki te taumata tuatoru, heoi anoo koutou kei Taamaki Makaurau me Te Tai Tokerau, ka noho tonu koutou ki te taumata tuawhaa i teenei waa. Kia kaha tonu taatou ki te horoi ringaringa, ki te mau aarai waha, ki te whai i te rongoaa aaraimate, kia haumaru ai oo taatou whaanau.
Today Kiingi Tuheitia asks us all to remain resolute in our unity as we work together to protect our community. This evening's alert level changes will affect our whaanau differently, depending on whether they live north or south of the Taamaki border, but no matter where we live, we must all continue to do what we can to protect our whaanau - to wash our hands, wear face coverings, organise our vaccinations and above all, to stay at home as much as possible.
The daily update today reminded us of the importance of these steps, with the news that the hospitalisation rate we are seeing during this outbreak due to the Delta variant is twice what we have seen during previous outbreaks. It was also particularly alarming to learn that six of the positive cases are under the age of one - although evidence still suggests that young children are less likely to experience severe symptoms, it is certainly a risk that none of us want to take with our own mokopuna.
We are also thinking of those whaanau affected by the heavy rains and flooding in the Taamaki region, and we encourage anyone who needs support - for any reason - to call us on 0800 TAINUI.