Kia niwha te ngaakau ki ngaa mahi atawhai i te iwi
E te iwi e, kia mataara! Naa te pikinga ake o ngaa tatauranga Kowheori i te rangi nei, me tuupato taatou katoa! Kaua e hookeka, heoi, me mataara. Kia kaha tonu taatou ki te whai i te werohanga rongoaa aarai mate kia haumaru ai taatou katoa.
With 45 new cases announced today, Kiingi Tuheitia urges whaanau to continue to follow the alert level rules in their region. Taamaki continues to bear the brunt of the Delta outbreak, and although most of today's cases are household members or known contacts of existing cases, it is still a monumental jump from only eight cases yesterday. Kiingi Tuheitia knows this will be sobering news to our Taamaki whaanau, and encourages everyone to reach out to any whaanau living in the city to make sure they are coping with the continued lockdown measures. Finally, Kiingi Tuheitia continues to encourage unvaccinated whaanau to make plans to get the jab. This is still the best way to protect ourselves and our whaanau, and the quickest way to see restrictions eased.
Yesterday, the government asked all Taamaki residents who have returned to work under Alert Level 3 to get a COVID-19 test, even if they are not showing symptoms. In particular, the focus is on people who are working in construction, hospitality, and retail. Anyone who fits this category does not have to self-isolate while waiting for a test result. While this is not compulsory testing, it is part of the Government’s plan to increase surveillance testing to better understand if COVID-19 is spreading in the community.
In Tauranga, whaanau are on high alert as they wait to find out more about a positive wastewater sample that was reported yesterday. Health officials are urging people to get tested if they have symptoms or have been to any of the locations of interest in Tauranga, Waikato, Taamaki, or Upper Hauraki.
It is crucial that we take extra precautions and remember the golden rules – if you are out and about, wear a face covering, wash and dry your hands regularly, scan in wherever you go, and get vaccinated.
Key updates
- There have been 53 new cases of COVID-19 in the Auckland community since our last paanui, including 45 today. Twelve of the new cases remain unlinked.
- This takes the total cases linked to this outbreak to 1178.
- There are 14 cases in hospital, four of whom are in intensive care.
- There was a positive wastewater result detected in Tauranga. Investigation into this test continues.
- There are still restrictions around crossing the Alert Level boundaries, including a negative COVID-19 test when you are leaving the Auckland region for elsewhere. Click here for more.
- The full list of locations of interest is here.
- It is important that whaanau check any new locations. Anyone who visited these locations at the stated date and time must self-isolate, contact Healthline on 0800 358 5453 and get tested. Household members of people who were at locations of interest must also self-isolate until that person has returned a negative test.
While Taamaki whaanau have shifted to Alert Level 3, we know there are still many challenges at this level. The lockdown measures mean many whaanau will still be working from home while looking after whaanau and supporting kids with kura. We are proud that so far we have been able to respond to whaanau requests for support. If you are in need of help, or support or would like advice on what supports are available beyond the tribe please ring us on 0800 TAINUI. |
- Vaccinations are continuing and anyone with an existing booking should attend their appointment unless notified otherwise, or if they are feeling unwell.
- Anyone over the age of 12 can book their vaccination now at Book My Vaccine. If you live in Taamaki and your booking is not until October, you are encouraged to look at the website again to see if there is an earlier date.
- A number of vaccination busses, drive-through and walk-in vaccination clinics are popping up across the motu including those listed below.
- Efforts are being made to increase vaccination rate of essential workers, prioritising those in customer-facing roles.
- Extensive research and testing has confirmed that the Pfizer vaccine is safe for 12-15-year-olds. This age group can now receive the vaccine. For more information on how to make a booking for 12-15-year-olds please click here.
Where to find trusted info about the COVID-19 vaccine |
Waikato - Koiora Mobile Vaccination Clinic
This is the schedule for this week, with the mobile clinic being open between 10am-2:30pm at each of these locations:
- Thursday 30 September: Melville High School, 6 Collins Road, Deanwell, Hamilton
- Friday 1 October Inghams (Te Aroha), 624 Waihekau Road, Ngarua
Raukura Hauora o Tainui Vaccination Clinic
This is the schedule for this week, with the mobile clinic being open between 10am-3pm at each of these locations:
- Thursday 30 September: Pirongia Memorial Hall, 997 Franklin Street, Pirongia
- Friday 1 October: Kio Kio United Sports Club, 135 Paewhenua Road, Otorohanga
Te Papanui Trust Vaccination Clinic
Te Papanui Trust is opening a walk-in vaccination clinic at the Enderley Community Centre starting on Monday 18 October between 11am and 3pm.
Enderley Community Centre
66 Tennyson Road, Enderley, Hamilton
Mon 18 Oct-Thu 21 Oct
Mon 15 Oct-Thu 18 Nov
Tāmaki Makaurau - Shot Cuz Vaccination Bus
For information on where the vaccination buses will be, check out the Facebook pages of these provider partners:
Walk-in or drive-in vaccination clinics
The Māori-led operated vaccination centres are:
- Henderson Vaccination Centre, 28 Catherine Street, Henderson
- Taamaki (Glen Innes) Vaccination Centre, 261 Morrin Road, St Johns
- Manurewa Vaccination Centre, 81 Finlayson Avenue, Clendon Park, Manukau City
- Pukekohe Vaccination Centre 6 Roulston Street, Pukekohe, Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm, Sat: 8am-12pm
- Takanini Vaccination Centre, 98 South Rd, Takanini
COVID-19 testing centres
Extra testing sites have been established throughout the motu. Visit Health Point to find the closest site for you and your whaanau.
Me maumahara!
- Tests are free (unless part of international travel conditions).
- Take your contact details with you (NHI numbers are helpful but not absolutely necessary).
- You can take a support person but you should both stay in your vehicle unless directed otherwise.
- You need to isolate at home after your test until you receive a negative result.
The Whaanau Ora Community Clinic
25 Druces Road, Wiri, Auckland
Monday to Sunday
Ootara Town Centre Car Park
14 Fair Mall, Ootara, Auckland
Monday to Sunday
Maangere East POP-UP Community Testing Centre
Walter Massey Park, 372 Massey Road, Maangere East
Monday to Saturday
Takanini POP-UP COVID-19 Testing Centre
Bruce Pulman Park, 90 Walters Road, Takanini
Monday to Sunday
Turuki Maangere POP-UP Community Testing Centre
Corner of Canning and Mascot Ave, Maangere
Monday to Saturday
Walter Massey Park POP-UP Testing Centre
Hain Ave end of Massey Road, Māngere East
Monday to Saturday
Manukau Sports Bowl Testing Centre, Manukau Tennis Carpark
Entrance off Boundary Road
Monday to Friday
Mountfort Park Manurewa POP UP Testing Centre
Carpark opposite 199 Weymouth Road, Manurewa
Monday to Saturday
Papakura Marae POP-UP Testing Centre
29 Hunua Road, Papakura
Monday to Friday
Pukekohe Netball Centre Carpark POP-UP Testing Centre
14 Queen Street, Pukekohe
Monday to Friday
8:30am-3:30pm |
Tokoroa Family Health
Tokoroa Hospital
Call in the clinic on 07 886 5431 to make a booking in advance
Tokoroa Medical Centre
35-75 Maraetai Road, Tokoroa
Call the clinic on 07 886 8777 to make a booking in advance
Founders Theatre car park
Entrance off Norton Road
All week |
We know that tangihanga are particularly complicated during lockdown situations and we have put together this Tangihanga Process chart to provide information for whaanau on the appropriate guidelines to follow under Alert Level 4. For tangihanga at Alert Level 3, we encourage whaanau to act as though they are at Alert Level 4 and follow the above tangihanga process. We acknowledge that tangihanga under lockdown conditions is extremely hard on whaanau.
As part of this process, please also remember the following:
- If your loved one has died from COVID-19 then it will be critical for the Police and/or Health Provider to support you with information on what to do next.
- If your loved one has died from an unknown cause, a post-mortem will need to be undertaken. The Police will facilitate this process and will liaise directly with whaanau.
- A GP or Medical Practitioner will also need to complete the death certificate.
- Any whaanau wanting to make burial arrangements for Taupiri Maunga urupaa must contact Mr Tumate Mahuta on 0800 TAINUI (0800 824 684).