Amohia ake te ora o te iwi!
Today sees the opening of the Amohia - Community Isolation and Quarantine facility at the Distinction Hamilton Hotel. With the number of our community cases growing here in Waikato, it was important to Kiingi Tuheitia that we find a way to support whaanau at home and in our communities, allowing them to remain close to home instead of having to go to an Auckland facility if confirmed as a positive COVID-19 case.
The Waikato DHB team led by Ikimoke, MBIE, MSD and the organisation's leadership have rallied together to stand up the facility, the first of its type for the motu. The facility will be for community isolation only and will not be available for those returning from overseas. It will be available to anyone from Waikato and will also provide whaanau and their close contacts with access to welfare and specialist health services.
With the spread of the virus and the number of new cases expected to rise, Kiingi Tuheitia reminds us all to get vaccinated. Maaori are currently falling behind the rest of New Zealand when it comes to vaccination rates. This is negatively contrasted with Maaori becoming increasingly overrepresented in the new cases as they are announced. Our King really wants to see this change. The number of whaanau Maaori getting jabbed increased over the weekend with over 30,000 whaanau getting their first dose of the vaccine. This is really positive but we still have a long way to go to protect our whaanau.
This Saturday there will be a nationwide campaign to support all whaanau to get vaccinated. Let's protect those that can't, those who are vulnerable and those we love by getting the jab. |
Key updates
- There are 35 new community cases of COVID-19 today, all in Auckland.
- Over the weekend (Saturday and Sunday) a total of 95 new cases were identified (56 in Auckland, three in Waikato, one in the Bay of Plenty)
- This takes the total cases linked to this outbreak to 1,622.
- Twenty-one of today's new cases are not yet linked to existing cases.
- Of the 60 cases announced on Sunday, 29 were active in the community whilst infectious.
- The positive Bay of Plenty case has since retested negative.
- There are 33 cases in hospital (one of these in Waikato) and seven in ICU/HDU.
- Two staff at North Shore Hospital and three staff at Auckland City Hospital have tested positive over the weekend.
Health Sector changes
- It will become mandatory for staff of health and disability workforces to be fully vaccinated.
- Those in high-risk areas in the health sector (those who work with vulnerable people) will need to be fully vaccinated by 1 December 2021. This includes anyone who works in hospitals, GPs, pharmacists, community healthcare workers and nurses, midwives and paramedics - both in public and private sectors.
- Teachers, support staff and anyone who has contact with children or students will be expected to be fully vaccinated. This includes home-based educators, all support people in schools and early learning services such as teacher aides, administration and maintenance staff and contractors.
- Schools will also be required to maintain a register of staff and secondary schools and kura to also track student vaccination status. This mandate requires these staff to be fully vaccinated by 1 January 2022.
- Masks will be mandatory in all secondary schools and wharekura.
Auckland update
- Auckland will stay at Alert Level 3 for another week as it currently stands. Cabinet will review these settings on Monday 18 October.
- Schools in Auckland will not reopen on 18 October. Distance learning will start at the beginning of Term 4.
Waikato update
- Waikato will stay at Alert Level 3. This will be reviewed on Wednesday 13 October.
- Waikato had the largest number of vaccinations of any region over the last week.
- Maaori vaccinations rates were up 6% over this period too, which is encouraging to see.
Northland update
- The individuals involved in the Northland cases have been extremely uncooperative.
- Once close contact of the positive case in Northland is still unable to be located.
- This has made the virus and potential spread in Northland hard to measure.
- Northland will stay at Alert Level 3. This will be reviewed on Wednesday 13 October.
For tribal members who are in need of urgent help please call us on 0800 TAINUI. Our tribal leaders will be sharing updates about supports directly from our Facebook page, so please visit us there too.
Applications for the third wave of the government's COVID-19 Resurgence Support Payment are open. These payments are for businesses that have experienced a decline in revenue due to alert level restrictions. We encourage any whaanau business owners to visit the IRD website to learn more and apply. |
Taamaki Whaanau
We know our Taamaki whaanau have experienced a longer lockdown than others, so we want to collate as much information about the needs of our Taamaki whaanau so our response can be coordinated. Click on the link below to fill in the survey and if you have any paatai please call 0800 TAINUI.
- Anyone over the age of 12 can book their vaccination now at Book My Vaccine. If you live in Taamaki and your booking is not until October, you are encouraged to look at the website again to see if there is an earlier date.
- A number of vaccination buses, drive-through and walk-in vaccination clinics are popping up across the motu including those listed below.
All your vaccination questions answered here by NZ experts |
Walk-in vaccination clinics
The following is a list of walk-in clinics run by the Waikato DHB and their providers. No need to book - just check the schedule below and drop in. Otherwise, you can book by visiting Book My Vaccine and selecting the closest clinic to you, or by calling 0800 28 29 26. The DHB will be adding more dates and locations here as they firm up their schedules. You can also be vaccinated at a range of other locations across Waikato, including GPs and pharmacies. See Healthpoint for those options.
Te Awa The Base
Level One, Corner Te Rapa Road and Wairere Drive
Settlement Centre Waikato
46G Boundary Road, Claudelands
K'aute Pasifika Trust
20 Richmond St, Whitiora, Hamilton
PaknSave Mill St
17 Mill Street, Whitiora, Hamilton
PaknSave Clarence St
Clarence Street, Hamilton
Wednesday - Thursday
St Clare's Co-operating Church
97 Tuhikaramea Road, Dinsdale, Hamilton
Thursday 14 October
10am - 3pm
Glenview New World
Ohaupo Road, Glenview, Hamilton
Friday 15 October
10am - 3pm
Unirec, University of Waikato
Gate 1, Knighton Road
Friday 15 October
10am - 2pm
Table Tennis Car Park
Edgecumbe Park, Edgecumbe Street
Saturday 16 October
10am - 3pm |
Raglan Rugby Sports Club
32 Cross St, Raglan
Enderley Park
66 Tennyson Road, Enderley, Hamilton
Monday - Thursday
McDonald's 5 Cross Roads
231 Peachgrove Road
Claudelands, Hamilton
Monday 11 October
10am - 3pm
Oomaero Marae
25 Maori Point Road, Whatawhata
Monday 11 October
10am - 3pm
Western Community Centre
46 Hyde Avenue, Nawton, Hamilton
Tuesday 12 October
2pm - 6:30pm
Orchard Park - Waikato University
183 Silverdale Road, Hillcrest
Wednesday 13 October
10am - 3pm
Melville Methodist Church
2 Bader Street, Fitzroy, Hamilton
Wednesday 13 October
10am - 3pm
Warehouse Hillcrest
265 Clyde Street, Hamilton East
Saturday 16 October
Te Ara o Karoro
Nawton Mall, Hyde Avenue, Nawton
9am-3:30pm |
Tihiroa Hall car park
Te Kawa Road, Otorohanga
Friday 29 October
12pm - 3pm
Honikiwi Hall
6 Turoto Road, Honikiwi
Friday 5 November
8am - 11am
Toa Bridge
Otewa Road, Otewa
Friday 5 November
1pm - 3pm
South Waikato
Tirau Community Church
31 Main Road, Tirau
Thursday 14 October
10am - 3pm |
Parawera Marae
11 Owairaka Valley Road
Wednesday 13 October
10am - 3pm
North Waikato
River Road, Ngaaruawaahia
Tuesday (10am-3pm)
Wednesday (1pm-7pm)
Thu-Fri (10am-3pm)
Tahuna Tavern
17 Pioneer Road, Tahuna
Tuesday 12 October
Ohinewai Shop
Wednesday 13 October
Te Papanui Trust Vaccination Clinic
Te Papanui Trust is opening a walk-in vaccination clinic at the Enderley Community Centre starting on Monday 18 October between 11am and 3pm.
Enderley Community Centre
66 Tennyson Road, Enderley, Hamilton
Mon 11 Oct - Thu 14 Oct
Mon 8 Nov -Thu 11 Nov
Mon 22 Nov -Thu 25 Nov |
COVID-19 testing centres
Extra testing sites have been established throughout the motu. Visit Health Point to find the closest site for you and your whaanau.
Me maumahara!
- Tests are free (unless part of international travel conditions).
- Take your contact details with you (NHI numbers are helpful but not absolutely necessary).
- You can take a support person but you should both stay in your vehicle unless directed otherwise.
- You need to isolate at home after your test until you receive a negative result.
Claudelands Event Centre
Claudelands, Hamilton
8am-8pm until further notice
Raglan Area School
Norrie Ave
Tue 12 Oct - Sun 17 Oct
10am-1pm |
Walk-in or drive-in vaccination clinics
The Maaori-led operated vaccination centres are:
- Henderson Vaccination Centre, 28 Catherine Street, Henderson
- Taamaki (Glen Innes) Vaccination Centre, 261 Morrin Road, St Johns
- Manurewa Vaccination Centre, 81 Finlayson Avenue, Clendon Park, Manukau City
- Pukekohe Vaccination Centre 6 Roulston Street, Pukekohe, Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm, Sat: 8am-12pm
- Takanini Vaccination Centre, 98 South Rd, Takanini
- Papakura Marae Drive Through Vaccination Centre Mon-Fri: 8.30am-3pm, 29 Hunua Road
- Manurewa Marae Vaccination Centre, 81 Finlayson Avenue, Clendon Park, Manukau City
Taamaki Makaurau - Shot Cuz Vaccination Bus
For information on where the vaccination buses will be, check out the Facebook pages of these provider partners:
COVID-19 testing centres
Extra testing sites have been established throughout the motu. Visit Health Point to find the closest site for you and your whaanau.
Me maumahara!
- Tests are free (unless part of international travel conditions).
- Take your contact details with you (NHI numbers are helpful but not absolutely necessary).
- You can take a support person but you should both stay in your vehicle unless directed otherwise.
- You need to isolate at home after your test until you receive a negative result.
We know that tangihanga are particularly complicated during lockdown situations and we have put together this Tangihanga Process chart to provide information for whaanau on the appropriate guidelines to follow under Alert Level 4. For tangihanga at Alert Level 3, we encourage whaanau to act as though they are at Alert Level 4 and follow the above tangihanga process. We acknowledge that tangihanga under lockdown conditions is extremely hard on whaanau.
As part of this process, please also remember the following:
- If your loved one has died from COVID-19 then it will be critical for the Police and/or Health Provider to support you with information on what to do next.
- If your loved one has died from an unknown cause, a post-mortem will need to be undertaken. The Police will facilitate this process and will liaise directly with whaanau.
- A GP or Medical Practitioner will also need to complete the death certificate.
- Any whaanau wanting to make burial arrangements for Taupiri Maunga urupaa must contact Mr Tumate Mahuta on 0800 TAINUI (0800 824 684).