Iwi Survey open until 16 December, 2020
This is the first step in our journey to gathering more information about our whaanau to help ensure that what we are doing is having a positive impact. The information we get from the Iwi Survey will form the baseline data that we use to measure our progress and impact against our Whakatupuranga 2050 and 5 year plan goals.
Promotion of the survey began last Monday via our website and social media channels. You will also see your email banners change to promote the survey. We are on a drive to get at least 5,000 adults (18 years and over) who are registered with the tribe to complete the survey. We are also using the survey to help us update contact details of registered members.
To do this we are hoping that you will help us out.
- Whilst no-one likes filling in surveys we are keen to try and make it as smooth as process as possible for whaanau that do choose to do it.
- Let your whaanau and Waikato-Tainui friends know about the survey and encourage them to fill it out. Lets try and hit that 5,000 mark early.
- If any of your whaanau have any questions please take the time to talk with them about the survey. They are more likely to turn to trusted friends and family than ring in to a help line or send an email.
Here are some key things that you might get asked about by whaanau, marae members or friends.
- The first 1,000 respondents will get an Amohia Ake face mask. We will send these out in the mail to those who complete the surveys. We do have a limited number so the sooner whaanau can get their surveys done the more likely they will get their mask.
- Every completed survey goes into the weekly draw to win a prize pack. The prize pack is made up of a whole lot of merchandise goodies that would make a great Christmas prezzie. Details of prize pack contents will be shared on our social media channels and website.
- Prize pack winners will be notified via email and also announced on our social media channels
- Individuals will only go into the draw once.
How long is the survey open for?
- The survey will be open for another 2 ½ weeks – to 16 December.
What will we use the information for?
- This will help us see if there are opportunities to enhance whaanau well being or major challenges that our whaanau are facing that we might be able to better support them with.
- This is the first stage in our social impact journey and to do this well and understand if we are making a difference we need whaanau to share with us.
Why not just use the Census to get this information?
- The Census has not traditionally captured iwi data well
- We want our own information that is tailored for the types of things that the iwi have said are important to us. Typically the government Census doesn’t ask questions that talk about our maatauranga and our experiences. We need to do this ourselves.
- We will use Census and other data to compliment our own information.
How can I do the survey?
- The survey is available via a link on our website.
- For those that want a print version we will mail these out with self addressed envelopes to make it easier for whaanau to send them back to us.
- Ring into our 0800 TAINUI number and one of our team can assist with filling out the form on your behalf
If I have questions about the survey who can I talk to?
- We have set up an email address specifically for whaanau that have questions or queries – iwisurvey@tainui.co.nz