CHAIR, Waipapa Marae Trust
Tena Koutou Katoa,
Kororia ki Te Atua,
He maungarongo ki Te Whenua,
He whakaaro pai ki nga Tangata katoa. Amine.
E kore mutu nga mihi mahana me te aroha kia koutou katoa.
An Update:
The next stage of the Marae building programme that is focused on Nga Tai Whakarongorua, commenced on 16 October. With the heavy work involved and the vibrations from the digger and earthworks, we had to protect and ensure that the precious photographs and Taonga of our Tupuna and loved ones inside Ngaa Tai Whakarongorua are kept safe. They needed to be
taken down off the walls.
Whanau, please do not panic, worry or be concerned about the Photographs and
Taonga. Every care is being taken to look after them.
Tuesday, this week, a small group working alongside our Kaumatua and Kuia, Te Papi and Rangi Cunningham, removed the photographs and Taonga off the walls, cleaned them and packed them securely into boxes. They will not be removed from the Whare Tuupuna or taken off the Marae and as soon as the Ngaa Tai Whakarongorua build is completed, each photograph will be returned to their exact position on the wall. After completing this stage of the journey yesterday, we are excited about what lies ahead. We will continue to keep you updated with the progress of the rebuild.
Ma Te Atua koutou i manaaki i nga waa katoa .
Trustees of Waipapa Marae