Funding Round Closing
The final round of the Ministry of Culture and Heritage funding - Mātauranga Māori Marae Ora closes on 30 March 2023.
Apply to the Fund
To complete your submission to the fund through the Grant Management System, please follow this link to log on:
What supporting documents do you need?
For your Organisation Profile:
- an Organisational Profile in the Grants Management System
- a signed letter confirming who the profile secretary is
- Financial records (less than 18 months old)
- Bank account verification (deposit slip or bank statement)
- a Trust Deed, Constitution or Marae Charter
For your Funding Request:
- a letter or email of support from Marae Trustees for the project
- a project plan and timeline
- a project budget
- information on the mātauranga experts supporting your project
- Quotes if the request is over $100,000
What will the fund support?
The fund will support marae communities to protect their mātauranga and taonga from the impact and ongoing threat of COVID-19 and support the cultural revitalisation of marae as centres of Māori identity and mātauranga.
Requests must align with the Mātauranga Māori Marae Ora funding outcomes:
- Activities lead to greater retention, protection, revitalisation, and transmission of mātauranga on the marae
- Traditional artform and hanga whare mātauranga and practices are retained, revitalised, and strengthened on the marae
- Sustainable care and protection of the marae’s taonga and mātauranga is enhanced and developed
- Marae and the wider whānau are engaged and work together to progress marae cultural aspirations
What are examples of activities that can be applied for?
Examples of the types of activities that can be funded include:
- Wānanga series on specific aspects of Mātauranga, marae taonga, or associated practices with Kaumātua / expert knowledge holders sharing kōrero with marae whānau.
- Commissioning mātauranga Māori conservation plans to assess the condition of marae taonga such as wharenui, whare karakia or urupā associated to the marae.
- Establishing or restoring harvest areas for cultural material, pā harakeke, toetoe, tōtara for future repair and maintenance of taonga on marae and retention on mātauranga practice.
- Developing sustainable ways to store mātauranga on marae, such as establishing small whare taonga, archives and preserving vulnerable records through fit-for-purpose storage cabinets, photography, scanning or digitisation.
- Developing sustainable platforms to share this mātauranga with marae members, such as publications, interpretation panels, video documentaries.
- Preservation of taonga held permanently on the marae such as waka tīwai, korowai, hīnaki, pounamu, photographs, memorial boards, and Māori Land Court records.
- Enabling marae communities to engage mātauranga Māori practitioners to design, develop and establish training programmes for whānau, hapū and iwi to learn and implement mātauranga Māori initiatives as part of the marae restoration programme.
- Research into marae kōrero tuku iho and cultural mapping, combined with sharing activities such as wānanga or hikoi to taonga sites associated to marae (including urupā).
Need help or advice?
If you have any questions about the fund or would like advice on your application, please feel free to contact the Fund Coordinators –