Timeline for the Waipapa poukai
This is to update you on where things are at with the arrangements for the Waipapa Poukai.
You will know that the King announced at the Hukanui Poukai on 13th February, that the Waipapa Poukai would be at Mōkai Kainga Marae this year because our Marae remains closed while we complete the next phase of the infrastructure build.
After our earlier meeting with the King, we slipped into planning mode as we waited for the King’s decision to announce the marae venue.
The very next day on Sunday 14th February, we had a planning meeting with the Trust and the Marae Committee in Kāwhia and assigned leads to different workstations across the Marae from the group of 14 who attended the hui.
The “ 14 leads” had 3 days to Wednesday 17th to complete a plan for their area, with a budget, in time to present to a ZOOM meeting for the marae committee and the marae trusts from Waipapa and Mōkai Kāinga.
At this meeting, all of the work station plans were collapsed into a single PLAN that was endorsed by the Marae Committee; it was then shared with the Trustees of Mōkai Kainga and finalised by the Waipapa Marae Trust to ensure health and safety measures were in place to deal with COVID 19.
In the 10 days since the announcement by the King, the workstation leads have been finetuning their plans with budgets and have mobilised to put their plans into action.
Now on the 25th February, we can advise the following is the programme for the Poukai on 12 March.
Thursday 11 March is when things will get underway. During the day, tents will go up, preparations in the kitchen will begin and this is the time when we welcome whānau support.
In the afternoon, the flag will be raised at 4.00pm for Kawe Mate to be welcomed onto the Marae at 4.15pm. Dinner will follow at 5.30pm.
The timetable for the Poukai day Friday 12 March is:
Raising of the flag
Whakaeke for Waikato
King meets with Marae Trustees
Discussion on Paepae begins
Discussion continues
Discussion continues
Lowering of flag
Waikato departs for Maketū
The incumbent chair and the chair elect for the Waipapa Marae Trust will convene a hui at 11am Saturday 13 March at Mōkai Kāinga to sort out the poukai expenditure before everyone leaves the marae.