Important Covid 19 Information
Waipapa Marae will remain closed until infrastructure is fixed

Waipapa Marae will remain closed until infrastructure is fixed

The Marae Trustees met on Sunday 14 June 2020 following the King’s announcement marae can open from Tuesday 16 June 2020 and after much debate the trustees voted to keep Waipapa marae closed until our infrastructure upgrade to our toilets, sewerage and drainage systems and ablution blocks have been completed.  This was an unanimous decision by the trustees.  Waipapa Marae will remain closed not only for health and safety reasons should there be a relapse of COVID 19 but also because of the added risk of our failing infrastructure – the need for us to upgrade our sewage and wastewater system, replace our ablution amenities and install fire safety precautions.  Hone Edwards, Marae Chairman noted, “We have major infrastructure upgrades to do and coupled with the risk of a potential COVID 19 outbreak because of a Marae visit, is a totally unacceptable outcome for trustees responsible for the health and safety standards on the marae”.

This has not been an easy decision and we have all been touched by not being able to mourn our loved ones in the way we know best;   but this  is a necessary step to protect our Kaumatua, Kuia and tamariki mokopuna. “Our principal responsibility is to keep our whānau and manuwhiri safe on Waipapa Marae” Hone added. “During the poukai we were forced to bring in portaloos to avoid blockage to our drains which is a recurring breakdown at our hui now,” Hone says.  “Our infrastructure is in dire need of an entire upgrade from the drains to the ablution blocks and the trustees were already full steam ahead with this kaupapa before lockdown gathering the three required quotes as well as the feasibility study needed by the funders.  Now the deadline is almost upon us.  The deadline for the feasibility study is due to be submitted at the end of this month to trigger the funding and despite lockdown we’re almost there,” Hone says.      

Optimistically, Hone says we are working to have the work completed next year in time for the 2021 Poukai.  Alternatively, we will open as soon as the capital works programme has been completed if that gets done ahead of the poukai. 

In the meantime, Mōkaikāinga Marae has offered to host our tangihanga and unveilings on their Marae. Hone says, “We are extremely grateful Uncle Nick Tūwhāngai has readily confirmed the availability of Mōkaikāinga for the duration of the upgrade to allow us to fix the drainage system, the septic tanks, the sewerage system and the ablution blocks,” 

Hone says.  “In the post-Covid 19 space, the bar for Risk and Hygiene management has forced all marae to a health and safety standard much higher than we’re used to,” he says.  But Hone adds it is better to be safe than sorry and get the upgrade completed first rather than put all our kaumatua and tamariki nohinohi at risk.  He says the trustees were already navigating this course before the Covid 19 pandemic struck the world killing hundreds of thousands.  “While we appear to have the first wave of infection under control, the prime minister advises this is not the time for ignorance,” he says.  The standard bar for health and safety has just shot up ten notches, not down, putting extra pressure on the marae to be vigilant with hygiene around food preparation and personal hygiene.  Wash, wash. wash your hands is the golden mantra now Hone says and our toilets have to be up to scratch to achieve this and not block the drains every time we have hui at Waipapa.  “Those days are gone,” he says.     

The Trustees have advised the King’s office of their decision. 


At a meeting of Trustees yesterday, 14 June 2020, an unanimous decision was made by the Waipapa marae trustees that under Category 3 - Mahoe, Waipapa Marae will remain closed until significant infrastructure upgrades are completed to our:

  • Septic and sewerage system
  • Drainage system 
  • A new Ablution block for our wharenui Taku Hiahia
  • A new Ablution block for our wharenui Ngā Taiwhakarongorua
  • Fire alarms and water sprinklers for both wharenui.  

An expected re – opening date is in time for the Poukai 12 March, 2021 OR sooner, depending on the completion date of the capital works.

  1. Our principal responsibility is to keep our beneficiaries and manuwhiri safe on Waipapa Marae.
  2. We are not yet at a point where we can be 100% sure we are free from COVID 19.  
  3. We need to continue to be vigilant in our planning around Risk Management post-Covid 19
  4. We worry if there is a relapse of COVID 19 contracted on the Marae, it will be our Kaumatua, Kuia and tamariki mokopuna who will be most at risk. 
  5. We have major infrastructure upgrades to do and coupled with the risk of a COVID 19 outbreak because of a Marae visit, opening the marae is not an option for the Trust until the infrastructure upgrade is completed. 
  6. It’s better to be safe than sorry. 
  7. In the meantime, Mōkaikāinga will host our gatherings such as tangi and unveilings during the infrastructure upgrade. Uncle Nick Tuwhāngai is your point of contact once they open their marae.
Next Article Architects and Engineers Sign Up for Marae Infrastructure Build
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